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Artpente le Monde

Association created to provide inner and outer awareness, well-being through expressive Arts therapy, emotional education, and different tools that respond and correspond to your need as an uniq human being. 


This means we propose different activities and projects which include different tools as dance, drama, music, painting, drawing, storytelling, yoga, massage, games, concentration, relaxation and many others creative proposition to discover ourself and our environment in a safe (and FUN) space. 

yoga for children, family and adult

Misa program

-massage in school

-move and touch for learning

Emotionnal education

Différents sessions and tools to discover and learn how to deal with our feelings 

Art Therapy session

différents art therapy project, worries dolls, magic rock, familly, my magic stand, my buble, self-portrait, my safe place...

Expressive art

- Stop motion project

- Drama project

- Clay, collage, painting, drawing workshop

well being/ English workshop

ARTpente le Monde do a partnership with the "roulotte polyglotte" to propose session for kids between 4 and 10 years old.

Humanitarian project

- Project In south Asia 2016

- Project Raid humanitarian in Maroco 2017

- Project in Aikiyam school in Kuilapalayam village and Thamarai educational project India 2018-2019

Expressive Bodymind project

-Write dance

-Free Dance

-Activity inspired by ATB method

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